06 janvier 2005

Un mystère résolu 

Comment expliquer le pic de mortalité des grands-mères juste avant les partiels de leurs petits enfants étudiants? En 1990, un scientifique s'était penché sur la question. Il constate que le phénomène est répandu, présent dans tous les pays et d'autant plus marqué que les petits-enfants des grands-mères subitement disparues ont de mauvais résultats scolaires. Au vu de ces éléments, l'explication est évidente :
Only one conclusion can be drawn from these data. Family members literally worry themselves to death over the outcome of their relatives’ performance on each exam. Naturally, the worse the student’s record is, and the more important the exam, the more the family worries; and it is the ensuing tension that presumably causes premature death. Since such behavior is most likely to result in high blood pressure, leading to stroke and heart attacks, this would-also explain why these deaths seem to occur so suddenly, with no warning and usually immediately prior to the exam. It might also explain the disproportionate number of grandmothers in the victim pool, since they are more likely to be susceptible to strokes.
Il s'avère par ailleurs que le phénomène est en constante augmentation : l'auteur avertit qu'une dépopulation rapide pourrait se produire si les tendances actuelles se poursuivent. Les chiffres sont effet formels et alarmants :
Extrapolation of this curve suggests that 100 years from now the FDR [Family Death Rate] will stand at 644/100 students/exam. At that rate only the largest families would survive even the first semester of a student’s college career.
Comment faire pour éviter une telle catastrophe? Après avoir rejeté deux propositions, l'auteur conclut sur la seule solution praticable :
Students must never let any of their relatives know that they are at university. (Initial field tests show that keeping just the grandmother ignorant is neither feasible nor safe for the rest of the family.) It is not enough merely to lie about exams; if the family doesn’t know when the exams are, they may then worry constantly and this may lead to even higher death rates. The only solution is that the family must, never be aware that the student is even enrolled at a university. Students must pretend they are in the armed forces, have joined some religious cult, or have been kidnapped by aliens.
Cela ne devrait pas être trop difficile : après tout, les étudiants ont déjà appris depuis longtemps à mentir à leur famille à propos de ce qu'ils font (et ne font pas) à la fac.

(via Crooked Timber)