16 mai 2005
Trois réactions diplomatiques prises au hasard, à propos des massacres en cours en Ouzbékistan :
1. La France suit avec préoccupation le développement de la situation en Ouzbékistan. Elle réprouve les violences qui ont endeuillé la ville d'Andijan et qui ont fait de très nombreuses victimes, en particulier parmi la population civile.Et vous, quelle diplomatie préférez-vous?
Il appartient aux autorités de réagir à une telle situation avec le souci d'éviter les victimes et dans le plein respect des droits de l'Homme.
La France exprime ses condoléances aux familles des victimes. Elle invite toutes les parties concernées, les autorités comme les représentants de la société civile, à agir pacifiquement et par le dialogue pour mettre un terme à la crise actuelle et pour mettre en oeuvre les réformes nécessaires.
2. We have had concerns about human rights in Uzbekistan, but we are concerned about the outbreak of violence, particularly by some members of a terrorist organization that were freed from prison. And we urge both the government and the demonstrators to exercise restraint at this time. The people of Uzbekistan want to see a more representative and democratic government, but that should come through peaceful means, not through violence. And that's what our message is.
3. 'I am extremely concerned by reports that Uzbek troops opened fire on demonstrators in Andizhan. I totally condemn these actions and I urge the Uzbek authorities to show restraint in dealing with the situation and look for a way to resolve it peacefully. [...]
'The UK has consistently made clear to the authorities in Uzbekistan that the repression of dissent and discontent is wrong and they urgently need to deal with patent failings in respect of human and civil rights.
'This approach is shared by our partners in the European Union. As we approach the UK's presidency of the EU we will use the collective weight of the EU to put across this argument to the Uzbek authorities to address shortcomings in economic and political governance and inadequacies in the development of democratic institutions.'
Mis en ligne par Emmanuel à 16:53 | Lien permanent |
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