15 mai 2006

118 bullshit 

Qui travaille pour Ségolène Royal ? Cette question, la présidente socialiste de la région Poitou-Charentes, candidate à l'investiture de son parti pour 2007, n'aime pas qu'on la lui pose. Parce qu'elle veut maîtriser sa communication au plus près, parce qu'elle juge nécessaire de "garder une part de mystère", selon sa propre expression, la socialiste favorite des sondages ne délègue à personne le soin de la représenter ou de parler à sa place. "Je ne suis pas sous tutelle", répète Mme Royal. Et puis elle s'est "un peu renseignée" : "Aux Etats-Unis, affirme-t-elle, (la presse) ne fait rien sur les proches des candidats."

Le Monde
"La galaxie Royal, naissance d'une webcandidate"
16 mai 2006


Kerry's brain trust consists of longtime associates from Boston and newly minted advisers hired expressly for the presidential run. Typical of political campaigns, there is some tension between the camps, but winning has a way of papering over any differences.

Associated Press
"Kerry Advisers Prepare for Potential Race"
13 février 2004

The Motor In Kerry's Bandwagon
With His Campaign Lagging, the Senator Turned to Mary Beth Cahill to Rev It Up

The Washington Post
17 mars 2004

Kerry's inner circle lacks color

"The Inside Edge with Carlos Watson"
20 avril 2004

Kerry’s Consigliere
For the legendary strategist Bob Shrum, a lifetime in Democratic politics comes down to John Kerry and a final shot at the White House

The Atlantic Monthly
mai 2004

Conversations with more than a dozen Democrats from the lowest to the highest levels inside the Kerry campaign, and several more outside the campaign, reveal a lot of praise--mostly for Kerry's policy staff--but also lots of sniping and complaints about the personnel moves Kerry has made over the last two months.

The New Republic
"Shook Up"
6 mai 2004

Kerry's Inner Circle Expands
Campaign Team Encompasses a Growing Army of Policy Advisers

The Washington Post
16 juillet 2004

Inside the Inner Circles
Meet the ever-expanding groups of advisers who make up the Kerry brain trust

25 juillet 2004

Kerry Enlisting Clinton Aides in Effort to Refocus Campaign

The New York Times
6 septembre 2004

New Blood at Heart of Kerry Campaign
Some See Changes As a Last Chance

The Washington Post
17 septembre 2004

Kerry's Brain
Bob Shrum is one of the biggest names in the campaign business—but is he prepared to take on Bush?

The New Yorker

20 septembre 2004