13 mars 2008

RRRrrrr !!! 

Le très sérieux Business Cycle Dating Committee du National Bureau of Economic Research américain va peut-être bientôt sortir de son chômage technique :
The U.S. has finally slid into recession, according to the majority of economists in the latest Wall Street Journal economic-forecasting survey, a view that was reinforced by new data showing a sharp drop in retail sales last month.

"The evidence is now beyond a reasonable doubt," said Scott Anderson of Wells Fargo & Co., who was among the 71% of 51 respondents to say that the economy is now in a recession.
De manière surprenante, si l'on prend le critère qui prévaut usuellement aux Etats-Unis (deux trimestres consécutifs de baisse du PIB), la France n'a pas connu de récession depuis... 1993.